Thursday, September 18, 2008

Josh Howard is an idiot.

Josh Howard plays for the Dallas Mavericks and he is considered, by some, to be one of the better players in the NBA.  Lately Josh has made the news for a series of remarks either made on the radio or on television.  His first blunder came several month ago, during the Mavericks playoff series with New Orleans.  He said in a radio interview that he smokes marijuana during the off season.  Something, I'm sure, the parents of children that look up to Josh really enjoyed hearing.  The latest bonehead remark came during the national anthem for a flag football game Josh was playing in.  He made his remarks to a person with a camera phone.  He said, "I don't celebrate that s*** because I'm black." (refering to the national anthem). He continued on by saying, "F*** Obama 08 and all that s***."  

I am not a black person so I can't really speak to much on the race aspect of this incident. If this is an actual sentiment of African-Americans I was absolutely clueless to it.  If this is true it doesn't make any sense to me personally.  I might be able to understand African-Americans not wanting to participate in the pledge of allegiance.  I don't believe anyone should be forced to say the pledge anymore.  It's a very outdated rule that doesn't really affect us anymore, unless Texas decides to become its own country again.

It does upset me as an American, though.  Josh Howard made around nine million dollars last year alone.  His contract is for over thirty million. ($9,000,000 and >$30,000,000 <-- they look much larger with the zeros)  How can anyone hate the country that allows them to get paid that much for playing a freaking game for a living.  For that reason alone Howard could be called an extremely selfish idiot.

The sad part about all of this is Josh probably won't see any repercussion for his actions.  Mark Cuban made a statement yesterday that he had, "Addresssed the issue".  My personal opinion is that the commissioner of the NBA should address him personally and suspend him or even expel him from the league.  I don't want Howard playing for my team that's for damn sure.

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